Do you have to tryouts?A. Pop Warner programs are not permitted to hold tryouts or cutting of rosters. Therefore, the Steelers do not hold tryouts and no experience is necessary at any level. Spots are filled on a first-come, first-served basis.
Can an athlete play for the middle school and the Capital City Steelers?A. Yes. As of the 2023 season, Pop Warner rules allow for kids to play football on their middle school team as well as a Pop Warner team.
How much does it cost to play and what is your refund policy?A. 2025 registration cost for Capital City is $263 plus service fee per athlete for a total of $275.00 (paid in full) or $278 (paid in two installments). A $150 deposit
non-refundable is required to secure a spot, as space is limited and on a first come first serve basis. Registration fees include all program costs and instruction. It includes the use of a football jersey for games, shoulder pads and a helmet. To participate, you must pay remaining balance on or before July 15, 2025 (no exceptions).
Does the Capital City Steelers organization fundraise?A. Yes! The Capital City Steelers will be holding various fundraising events throughout the year. We ask that the parents of each participating child participate in at least (2) fundraising events throughout the calendar year.
What happens to the funds raised by a team or teams?A. Because the Capital City Steelers are a non-profit organization, we do not allow fundraising for any one particular team or teams, unless approved by the CCS Board of Directors. We may conduct fundraising events in the name of The Capital City Steelers organization. Any and all funds raised by a team or individual under the Capital City Steelers’ name/logo belongs to the organization (not any one person or team). All funds are accounted for by the Treasurer and placed in the organization’s bank account to be used to operate the organization (i.e. uniforms, equipment, field rentals, light rental, field supplies and upkeep, insurance and referee cost for each game held at our home field). * NOTE - Any person or group attempting to raise funds under the Capital City Steelers’ name/logo without permission and not accounted for by the treasurer of the organization is punishable by law which includes fines and/or incarceration.
Are there additional costs involved?A. Yes. Football players must purchase any color practice pant with built in pads, practice jersey (something that can go over the shoulder pads, cleats, mouth piece(s), chin strap, a sports cup (optional) and game day socks (coach will provide color). We recommend molded rubber cleats, and a colored mouthpiece that can be attached to the helmet both of which can be purchased at most sporting goods stores.
** IMPORTANT**Beginning in 2024, football players must also purchase their own game day uniforms from the Steeler organization. The cost will vary from year to year; however, will not exceed $150. Information on uniforms purchases will be communicated by the Coach/Team Parent.
Are there other expected/unexpected expenses?A. For teams advancing to post-season play, there will be additional travel expenses that families will ultimately be responsible for (hotel, meals, transportation and spending money). For teams advancing to the National Championships, a family can anticipate the cost to be about $900 - $1100 per child participant. The Steelers hold fundraising events throughout the year to offset our operating expenses and to keep our fees down. When we have teams advancing to regional and National competition, our fundraising becomes targeted to help offset the travel costs. We ask that all of our Steelers families participate enthusiastically in all our fundraising activities.
What happens if/when a team qualifies for post season play?
A. Once a league champion has been decided and a team has won the right to participate in The Regional Championships, all participant report cards are verified to ensure that all the players are academically eligible. An official birth certificate (with raised seal) for each participant must be provided and approved by Pop Warner. Those teams that win at the Regional Championships are invited to compete for a national championship in their respective division.
Does registration cost cover travel for post season play (i.e. Pop Warner National Championships)?A. The initial registration fee paid for participation
DOES NOT cover post season play. Due to the fact that the Capital City Steelers is a non-profit organization that operates solely from funds gained thru registration, fund raising, donations and sponsorship, we do not offer nor guarantee any funds toward post season play. If funds have been raised or donated to the organization, the organization can choose to assist in funding post season play but it is at the discretion of the board of directors. If a team makes the post season and is invited to go to Nationals, that team must come up with the funds to cover that trip. Teams will have to commit to the National Championship prior to the Regional Championship game or a substitute team will be chosen as a replacement. Currently Pop Warner has a National Championship for D1 and D2 divisions. *
Note: In addition to the National Championship, there are multiple other “Bowl Games” within a 1 to 3-hour drive of Raleigh, which teams may participate in for the post season. These bowl games are purely left to discretion of the coaching staff of the team as well as parental interest and support. Some of the Bowl games are free and some charge an entry fee ($100 to $300) on a per team basis. The cost (if any) is the responsibility of the team to cover as Capital City does not guarantee nor require any team to participate in post season play.
What does my child need in order to participate?A. Each child must provide the following information. *
Note: (All information below in addition to the balance of the registration fee is required before your child is able to participate –
no exceptions!!)
- A (Current Year) Capital City Steelers Youth Sports Association Registration Information, Waiver and Code of Conduct (signed/dated)
- A (Current Year) Pop Warner Participant Contract and Parental Consent Form. (signed/dated)
- A (Current Year) Pop Warner Youth Participant Medical Form
- Original Birth Certificate (with raised seal) (Hospital copies are unacceptable)
- Copy of Last Year Report Card with final grades (must have complete year)
Q. What if my child played for another local organization?
A. If your child played for another CFF organization, an official written request for release would be sent from the Commissioner of the Capital City Steelers to the Commissioner of that particular organization requesting a release. Releases presented from parents are unacceptable. *Note: A release is not guaranteed and there must be a legitimate life changing event (s) for the move. Acceptable reason (i.e. divorce, death, job transfer, etc.) Proof is required! In addition, a coach may leave that organization at the end of the current season. However, if that coach is a parent of a current player, the child is not automatically released with the parent. A request for release form must still be completed for release; failure to do so could result in that child not being able to participate in the coming year. (The decision is at the discretion of the Commissioner)
Q. What if my child wants to leave the Capital City Steelers to play with another organization?
A. The same rules above would apply. (See above)
Q. How do I sign-up/register/pay for the season?
A. You need to register online, returning player registration will generally be held on a Saturday (Dick’s Sporting Good – Triangle Town Center) in March and Open Registrations will take place on a Saturday during the following months. Please plan to sign up early as our rosters will fill fast. If you’re unable to make a to an open registration, you may submit your registration and deposit by mail. You may secure your participant(s) place with the non-refundable deposit of $150 (per participant). Balance is due by July 15th, of the season year. No checks are accepted. Cashier’s check, money order or credit cards will be accepted.
Q. Is it safe for my child to play?
A. Capital City Steelers operate under the rules and guidelines of Pop Warner Little Scholars. Pop Warner has a long history of providing a safe environment for all of our members. Safety measures are taken to ensure that all equipment is certified on a routine basis. It is required per Pop Warner and the USA Football that all coaches take a mandatory certification class and/or renew their certification each year that instructs them on the safety and proper form and techniques for coaching. Each coach and volunteer is also required to pass a background check prior to any interaction with the youth participants. But we cannot guarantee that there will be no injuries. Parents assume injury risk by allowing their child to play football or cheer.
Q. When does the season start?
A. Beginning in 2025, practices will begin on July 15th (some exceptions if the 1st falls on a Sunday or if there is inclement weather). Our regular season games will generally begin the last Saturday in August or the first Saturday in September depending on how the calendar dates fall.
Q. How long does the season last?
A. Our regular season starts mid July and ends in late October. Post Season play could extend the season into November and/or early December. Each team within each age group will generally play an 8 game regular season schedule plus one end of season Bowl game. All games and locations are scheduled by the CFF (not the Capital City Steelers) and are subject to change. In the event of inclement weather, games will be postponed and rescheduled according to the CFF. All football players on the 8U, 9U, 10U, 11U and 12U teams (competition levels) are eligible for post-season play based on your season record and league standing *(Note – as a registered participant at either of these levels, you are signing and being asked to commit to participate thru late November or early December). The CFF League and South Regional Play-offs will be held throughout the month of November. Regional Championships will always be held on Thanksgiving weekend with the traveling day/hotel check-in to be Thanksgiving Day. Travel is expected to be light, usually in the Raleigh or Charlotte area depending on the year; however, there is always the chance of further travel in any given year. The Pop Warner Super Bowl will be held the first week of December, normally in Florida. All Steelers participants (parents and players) should anticipate and commit to practice and competition through the Pop Warner National Championship (aka Super Bowl). The Steelers have a strong tradition of teams advancing to the Regional Championships and, over the past decade, we have sent many cheer and football teams to the National Championships.
Q. When/where do you practice?
A. For the first 2 weeks, all teams will generally practice Monday through Friday from 6 to 8 PM. Football teams will practice at (locations TBA). After the first 2 weeks, practices will generally be held as follows: Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday from 6:00-8:00 PM (Jul - Oct) at Fox Road Elementary Park and from 6:00 - 8:00 PM (Jul), 6:30 - 8:30 PM (Aug), 6:00 - 8:00 PM (Sept, Oct) at Harris Creek Elementary. Occasionally, practice days may change due to hosting school activities or inclement weather. Any changes will be communicated on a per team basis thru emails and/or text messages as it may not apply to all teams. Attendance at practice is required and only a limited number of excused absences will be granted. If a player misses 2 practices within a given week, he/she will not be able to participate in the game that week. The head coach can choose to either not allow the player to dress for the game or he may allow him to dress but have the player turn his jersey inside out to indicate that he is ineligible to play.
Q. Where/When are games played?
A. Steelers home games will be played at Martin Middle School. Away games will be held at other Consolidated Football Federation (CFF) fields in Apex, Cary, Cleveland, Durham, Garner, Raleigh, Sanford, and Wake Forest. We will provide maps and/or directions to all of our game fields at the beginning of the season. Games are played on Saturdays at various times depending on field availability. Game schedules will be available in August (tentative). Some games may be postponed or canceled due to weather or loss of field. Make-up games may be played on Tuesday or Wednesday nights if they cannot be played on an open Saturday. There is an average gate charge of $8/adults and $5 for school-aged youth (subject to increase). Kids 4 and under are normally free. Gate prices are subject to an increase during post season games (league wide).
Q. How can I support the Steelers now?
A. Become a sponsor. This is for parents, grandparents, aunts/uncles, businesses, anyone! For more details visit www.capitalcitysteelers.com. Also, support Steelers fundraisers throughout the year. By supporting the Steelers generously now, we can minimize post-season travel costs. The Capital City Steelers will provide the donating sponsor(s) with all necessary non-profit information (Tax ID, sponsorship letter) upon request.
Q. If I sign up, when will I hear from someone?
A. Coaches will begin contacting former players around mid-January and informing them of early registration in February. Announcements on the website and social media will begin in the early spring and coaches will begin contacting new participants by phone in mid-June. You can also stay informed by checking the Steelers web site. (www.capitalcitysteelers.com). If your contact number(s), email or address changes, please notify our secretary via e-mail at info.
Q. What can I do with my child in the meantime to prepare for the upcoming season?
A. Go to the official Pop Warner website www.popwarner.com and familiarize yourself with the rules and regulations of Pop Warner Little Scholarship Inc. league.
Q. News and Schedules?
A. Please visit the home page of this site for the latest dates and information.
Q. How do the Steelers communicate with their players and families if I have other questions?
A. If you have questions, please feel free to email us. The Steelers organization attempts to take advantage of all of communication outlets (i.e. telephone, text messaging, emails, flyers, signs and social media – (i.e. Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, GroupMe, etc.). *Note: It is essential that each parent and/or guardian of all participants provide the organization with a current phone number, home address and a valid email address in order to receive timely information.